As title said, there will be 3 weeks break for Zettai Karen Children series. Which mean the chapter will be back on Jan 11th 2011. It will be long long time, but I guess it can't be helped ==
Be sure to support this series and Takashi Shiina!! THANK YOU.
Oh and for 3 weeks break, we planned to do something else. Be sure for our notice soon.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Zettai Karen Children 242 Chinese Version

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Zettai Karen Children 242 English Version

Previously: Minamoto + Feather and Sakaki + P.A.N.D.R.A's Momiji are on a double date at B.A.B.E.L. HQ. But the Children felt a danger to Minamoto's chastity with their super senses...!
MERRY CHRISTMAS @ HAPPY NEW YEAR 2011!!! We will have plan on doing some omake of ZKC and also will start one project soon!! Before that, something bigger has happened in chapter 242!! Don't miss it!!
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Sunday, December 12, 2010
Zettai Karen Children 241 Chinese Version

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Zettai Karen Children 241 English Version

The date is now becoming more or more dangerous situation!! Why is Feather suddenly step into this kind of relationship building!? Will The Children able to discover what fishy intention grow around Minamoto and Sakaki!? Don't miss out this chapter too!!!
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Wednesday, December 8, 2010
About 2nd ZKC Popularity Vote Poll
Some people complain about the result had been set to privacy. To be fair play, I will follow the numbers of against it or agree with it. So I created this vote poll and deadline only 2 days. (10th December 2010)
Come and vote for this to decide if this vote poll should turn off the privacy or not.
Come and vote for this to decide if this vote poll should turn off the privacy or not.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Request A Translator For "Kara No Kyoukai"
I planned to do the scanlation for this series. Therefore I need an english translator for this. If anyone interested in this series and want to help out, please contact me.
Thank you.
Contact: (MSN) or 1321093985 (QQ) or (Yahoo MSN) or 593932369 (ICQ)
I planned to do the scanlation for this series. Therefore I need an english translator for this. If anyone interested in this series and want to help out, please contact me.
Thank you.
Contact: (MSN) or 1321093985 (QQ) or (Yahoo MSN) or 593932369 (ICQ)
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Zettai Karen Children Vote Poll Notice
Starting from this week of December, all result of the votes will be set to be hidden. Using the final ten chapters before it reach chapter 250, the final result will be revealed on that time. So we would like every fans to have patience and keep on voting for your favorite characters.
Made your vote now if you haven't started yet right here!
Thank you very much.
Made your vote now if you haven't started yet right here!
Thank you very much.
Zettai Karen Children 240 Chinese Version

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Zettai Karen Children 240 English Version

Previously: Minamoto and Sakaki of B.A.B.E.L. have invited Momiji of P.A.N.D.R.A on a date for a mission to "get closer to her". But Momiji specified B.A.B.E.L. HQ as the location for the date!! It seems the two of them are being led around by her...
Minamoto and Sakaki are dating with Momiji in BABEL HQ!? How will The Children react to this sudden real date!? Don't miss this out as you can witness Momiji's childhood past in this chapter!
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Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Zettai Karen Children 239 Chinese Version

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Zettai Karen Children 239 English Version

Previously: The Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs is having trouble with the Robietian government which has joined with P.A.N.D.R.A, so they put in a request and Minamoto and Sakaki have been given orders! Their orders are to approach the female P.A.N.D.R.A esper Momiji and get closer to her!! It seems crazy, but they called Momiji and she agreed to go on a date! What's going on!?
Time for the date between both BABEL & PANDRA members! WIll it go smooth? Don't miss out this arc story that full of comedy romance stories and learn more about Momiji!
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Friday, November 19, 2010
Zettai Karen Children 239 On Break
This week Zettai Karen Children took one week off (Shonen Sunday Issue No.51), So chapter 239 is expected to be back on next week. We will start doing it once the raw is obtained.
Sorry for late notice, and thank you for reading this post.
Sorry for late notice, and thank you for reading this post.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Zettai Karen Children 238 Chinese Version

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Zettai Karen Children 238 English Version

Previously: Muscle, a P.A.N.D.R.A esper, is known to be skilled as the Robietian Ambassador Okamanov. Japan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs has lost its temper and has requested that B.A.B.E.L work to get through to the Robietians. Basically, they have to win the female P.A.N.D.R.A esper, Momiji, over to their side. Is it time for Minamoto and Sakaki to seduce her!?
Time for BIG ROMANCE COMEDY!!? A New Chaos Begin!! Don't miss it!
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Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Watermarks on Chinese Version/中文版的水印
We decided to put in watermarks into Zettai Karen Children chapters, but that's only for chinese version only. English Version is still free from problem issues but that's not the same case for chinese version. Therefore, after long time thinking of it, I had made the decision to do so. So for chinese readers, hope the watermarks won't affect your reading on the chapter from now on.
You all can give us more suggestions if you don't like the watermarks idea. I had been thinking these days so I had delayed the release of the chapter 237. I ready to hear any ideas from the readers and supporters so we can improved the progress and can be free from any issues.
Thank you for the supports.
You all can give us more suggestions if you don't like the watermarks idea. I had been thinking these days so I had delayed the release of the chapter 237. I ready to hear any ideas from the readers and supporters so we can improved the progress and can be free from any issues.
Thank you for the supports.
Zettai Karen Children 237 Chinese Version

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Zettai Karen Children 237 English Version

Previously: Yuuri has had her esper personality sealed by Hyoubu leaving her as a mere middle schooler. For now, is this a happy ending much like the one in The Children and the other's play? The festival is over and everyday life returns.
Yuuri has become an ordinary student for a while now. And now featuring a new happy and funny school day life. What will be awaiting for The Children and others!?
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Thursday, November 4, 2010
Shonen Sunday Is Delayed...
Because of the holiday in Japan, a lot of magazines have been released earlier in Japan, but this is not the same case in my country, Malaysia...
Usually I should have get the magazine raws on Thursday this week...but it got delayed until this Saturday Night...Which mean Zettai Karen Children will be delayed and might not be released on the usual time I did. I promised will try my hard as soon as I got the book and get it done in short time. Until then, hope the readers can be patience and wait for my news.
Sorry and thank you for the supports.
Usually I should have get the magazine raws on Thursday this week...but it got delayed until this Saturday Night...Which mean Zettai Karen Children will be delayed and might not be released on the usual time I did. I promised will try my hard as soon as I got the book and get it done in short time. Until then, hope the readers can be patience and wait for my news.
Sorry and thank you for the supports.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Zettai Karen Children 236 Chinese Version

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Zettai Karen Children 236 English Version

Zettai Karen Children Chapter 236: Phantom Portrait (9)
Previously: Hyoubu has sealed the Phantom Daughter personality inside Yuuri. Now she stands upon the stage having forgotten her past of being forced to control espers. The curtain falls on The Children's play.
This arc is the longest one I had in ZKC history for sure. This part 9 comfirmed to be the last one. What will BABEL and PANDRA made conversation during this festival? And Feather will appear in this chapter too. The keys are now slowly to be revealed, don't miss it!!
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Sunday, October 24, 2010
Zettai Karen Children 235 Chinese Version

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Zettai Karen Children 235 English Version

Previously: While The Children and the others' play continues, a battle between P.A.N.D.R.A and Yuuri has been unfolding. Yuuri collapsed from Hyoubu's attack, but then Nai and Hanzo showed, so Hyoubu asked them to bring Yuuri back to the play.
Yuuri-Mirage- lost conscious after losing to Hyoubu last week. But Hyoubu didn't really kill her. What is Hyoubu's plan all the time? Found them out in this last part of Phantom Portrait!!
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Sunday, October 17, 2010
Zettai Karen Children 234 Chinese Version

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Zettai Karen Children 234 English Version

Previously: At the cultural festival, The Children and the others are putting on a play while a battle between Yuuri and P.A.N.D.R.A unfolds. Yuuri's Hypno is strong! But Hyoubu's strategy has outwitted her and cornered her!!
Break's over! What will happen to Yuuri!? Dead or alive!? Come and grab this chapter for a read!! Also, congratulation for Yuuri being qualified into top 10 in the poll!!
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Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Zettai Karen Children 233 Chinese Version

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Zettai Karen Children 233 English Version

Previously: During the cultural festival, Yuuri was captured by members of P.A.N.D.R.A. But Yuuri's Hypno used to control many espers as Phantom Daughter is strong. She has turned things around and attacked Magi and Momiji!!
Who will win the battle!? Hyoubu!? Yuuri!? There will be a conclusion coming up to this very soon!! Don't miss it!!
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Sunday, October 3, 2010
Apologize about ZKC233 and Annoucement about ZKC234
First I want to apologize about Zettai Karen Children 233. There was some delayed causes and slow down the process during the cleaning on the share version. The quality is getting downhill every week, and one of our cleaner's open school last week made her busy in the daily school life. So I joined back to the cleaner status, while on the middle of learning the techniques that my members did. I'm able to do things smooth now, but I need some more times. So I won't able to post out Zettai Karen Children Chapter 233 today, but I will promise that the files will be done within this week (Maybe within Tuesday or Wednesday). So I once again apologize for making everyone waiting for it, and please looking forward for it.
Also, there will be no new chapter due to the one week break of ZKC this week. For this opportunity, I'm going to get my subscription for Shounen Sunday Magazine ready at my bookstore, So I could able to get the fresh raw of ZKC on my own from now on. I really hope to get the fresh raw for ZKC Chapter 234 to create much better quality scanlations. Seeya soon.
Also, there will be no new chapter due to the one week break of ZKC this week. For this opportunity, I'm going to get my subscription for Shounen Sunday Magazine ready at my bookstore, So I could able to get the fresh raw of ZKC on my own from now on. I really hope to get the fresh raw for ZKC Chapter 234 to create much better quality scanlations. Seeya soon.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Zettai Karen Children 232 Chinese Version

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Zettai Karen Children 232 English Version

Previously:The Children feel excited for the preparation to open the school play on school festival. But behind it, Yuuri has been captured by PANDRA members after Hyoubu discovered her true identity as Black Phantom's brain-washer!!
Yuuri has been captured!! What will Hyoubu gonna do with her!? Will Yuuri able to join back to the stage with The Children and fulfill the edited Happy Ending of The Nightingale and The Rose!? Don't miss some battle action!!
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Sunday, September 19, 2010
We Are Looking For Raw Provider | 我们寻找『肉』的提供者
One of the ZKC's raw provider who joined us months ago had fall sicked and haven't contact us for long time. We decided to find a new raw provider who can provide us unleved raw for our cleaners. If anyone able to fill up this role, please contact us. Our contact can be found in the credit pages of Zettai Karen Children chapters.
Thank you for reading this recruit.
上个月加入我们的绝对可怜CHILDREN的肉(图源)之提供者病倒了,之后就没有他的消息。因此我们决定寻找可以提供还没被编辑的肉的人员。有谁可以做到这一点的可以和我们联络。联络方式可以在我们公布的绝对可怜CHILDREN文件里的Credit Page找到。
Thank you for reading this recruit.
上个月加入我们的绝对可怜CHILDREN的肉(图源)之提供者病倒了,之后就没有他的消息。因此我们决定寻找可以提供还没被编辑的肉的人员。有谁可以做到这一点的可以和我们联络。联络方式可以在我们公布的绝对可怜CHILDREN文件里的Credit Page找到。
Zettai Karen Children 231 Chinese Version

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Zettai Karen Children 231 English Version

Previously: The cultural festival. Members of B.A.B.E.L. and P.A.N.D.R.A are gathered to see The Children's and the others' play. But P.A.N.D.R.A's true aim is Yuuri who they have discovered is Phantom Daughter.
Find out what will happened to Yuuri after the encounter with P.A.N.D.R.A. who discovered her true identity. Will the play able to start this way!? Don't miss it!!
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Saturday, September 11, 2010
2nd Character Popularity Poll
20 More Chapters before Zettai Karen Children reach its 250th chapter!! To celebrate the coming 250th chapter anniversary, we decided to organize the second time Character Popularity Poll!!! Click on the following pages to find out more information and the rules!! BE VERY CAREFUL and MAKE SURE YOU READ ALL OF IT!! (Those pages can be found on the chapter 230 released by us) Make your vote right now!!
绝对可怜CHILDREN还有20话就会迎来第250章!!为了庆祝即将来临的第250章纪念,我们举办了第二次人气投票比赛!!!请查看以下的几页来明白更多的情报与规则!!绝对要谨慎,把全部读完哦!! (这个可以在我们所公布的第230章里找到的)请马上投下神圣一票!!
The Poll / 投票地点
2nd Popularity Poll/第二次人气投票比赛
绝对可怜CHILDREN还有20话就会迎来第250章!!为了庆祝即将来临的第250章纪念,我们举办了第二次人气投票比赛!!!请查看以下的几页来明白更多的情报与规则!!绝对要谨慎,把全部读完哦!! (这个可以在我们所公布的第230章里找到的)请马上投下神圣一票!!
The Poll / 投票地点
2nd Popularity Poll/第二次人气投票比赛

Zettai Karen Children 230 Chinese Version

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Zettai Karen Children 230 English Version

Previously: The cultural festival draws near. The Children's class is performing a play along with members of P.A.N.D.R.A. But Hyoubu has realized Yuuri is a Black Phantom esper and is intending to go to the festival...
The school festival is now starting!!! Find out the uncontrolled laughter when you read this chapter!! Get ready for the climax that will hit the School Festival very soon!!
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Monday, September 6, 2010
Zettai Karen Children 229 Chinese Version

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Zettai Karen Children 229 English Version

Previously: The cultural festival draws near. The Children's Class 1-A have decided to perform "The Nightingale and the Rose". They are currently rehearsing.
It's a surprise that Shiina-sensei chose Oscar Wilde's "Nightingale and the Rose" for a new arc story. And Hyoubu seems to have evil plans for Phantom Daughter on School Festival. Will it be Happy End or Dead End for Yuuri!?
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Sunday, August 29, 2010
Zettai Karen Children 228 Chinese Version

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Zettai Karen Children 228 English Version

Previously: The Children spread their wings at the spa resort. But while watching over Feather, Hyoubu became convinced that Yuuri is the Black Phantom brainwasher controlling a number of espers!!
Alright, new chapter is back on track with new arc story!! Last time Hyoubu had found out the true identity of Kumoi Yuuri, aka "Phantom Daughter". Will Hyoubu take vengeance on her!? What will the new arc story be about!? Don't miss this chapter!!
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Sunday, August 22, 2010
Introduce Our New Member
As everyone has seen this in our latest credit page, we had a new cleaner joined our team last week. With her help and fully supports, we were able to create a better quality chapters. Everyone, please welcome to our newest member, who is also a member of a chinese scanlation team, KIRIN STUDIOS, 幽幽!! You can call her Frank or Veronica too, but she prefer her chinese name (YouYou).
Everyone, please support her as much as you support our group JS Scans!! Thank you for reading every chapter we did! Until then, seeya next time!
Everyone, please support her as much as you support our group JS Scans!! Thank you for reading every chapter we did! Until then, seeya next time!
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Zettai Karen Children 227 English Version

Previously: The Children, Minamoto, and the others are visiting a spa resort. That night, Feather called out Minamoto and asked him to find her body in order to bring back her memories.
The mystery of Feather is getting closer to conclusion? Will The Children went berserk after witness Minamoto is going out "for a date" with Feather!? And what will Kaoru react to this situation!? Find out in this chapter!!
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Zettai Karen Children 227 Chinese Version

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Friday, August 13, 2010
This is a reminder for everyone who didn't know about this yet, that there is no latest chapter during this week. Last week was the double combined issue for Sunday Magazine (As well as Weekly Jump, too), therefore the manga magazines took a week off this week. So, Zettai Karen Children Chapter 227 raw will have to be waited until next week period. Until then, see you again~
Also, a new member is going to join our group as cleaner. We will announce his name during the release of next chapter 227. Be looking forward for it~
P/S: The recent links I posted few days ago had been deleted by youtube. So I have to delete all of them. Look like we will have to search for them on net >< I'm very sorry for this. (17/08/2010)
And enjoy the full version of Seventh Heaven, the ending theme for the ZKC OVA!!
ZKC OVA theme - Seventh Heaven
Also, a new member is going to join our group as cleaner. We will announce his name during the release of next chapter 227. Be looking forward for it~
P/S: The recent links I posted few days ago had been deleted by youtube. So I have to delete all of them. Look like we will have to search for them on net >< I'm very sorry for this. (17/08/2010)
And enjoy the full version of Seventh Heaven, the ending theme for the ZKC OVA!!
ZKC OVA theme - Seventh Heaven
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Zettai Karen Children 226 Chinese Version

没想到优理的催眠能力是那么的强大,连羽毛都几乎无法对抗。但是薰好像成为了优理的弱点呢(笑)。然后羽毛居然去约皆本来个幽会…不,是交谈啦, 关于未来的事。究竟他们在这个新的未来里发现了怎么样的变化!?还有,绝对可怜CHILDREN第22集增补版总集编新故事也包括在这一集哦!!可别错过!!
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Zettai Karen Children 226 English Version

Previously: Feather comfront Yuuri (Mirage) for changing her life and giving her reasons to do so before she ran off. Meanwhile, all of the members gathered together...with Minamoto finally found back Feather. But Feather asked Minamoto for a night date to discuss about the future!?
Never thought Yuuri's hypno is that strong that even Feather can't really against it. But Kaoru has become Yuuri's weakness these days...LoL And Feather asked Minamoto for a sneak out dating!? What will they found out about the changing future really is!? Also, Zettai Karen Children Volume 22 Supplement Special is included in this chapter!! Be sure to get this chapter!!
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Thursday, July 29, 2010
About The Delay Of ZKC 225... And Some Notices
I'm Spikey2713 and want to say something about the delay of Zettai Karen Children 225, and other things.
There were two people is officially joining our scanlation works. One is the current member of our group, Lovelychildren_fan; and another one is Evilsquekhead, who is currently helping out the cleaning. As every readers online should had know what happened to famous online manga reading website such as Thus, chapter 226 isn't released this week because of the break. So I let these 2 members fully in charge of cleaning the raw, while I will do redraw, and I told them not to rush because I want them to gain more experience and might created some new cleaning methods. I want to say thank you to these 2 girls who put out a lot of effort, and I want to apologize for delaying this chapter 225 too long. Sorry and thank you for the supports for this Zettai Karen Children series.
Notice: Zettai Karen Children Chapter 226 raw will not be released in this week (Sunday Magazine released on 28 July 2010) due to the break for a week (Shiina-sensei was probably handling the signature events last week). ZKC Chapter 226 raw will be released next week on Sunday Magazine (4 Aug 2010) so if things went smoothly, we might able to release the scanlation faster...(I really wish we could release faster T.T) If anyone can give out suggestions on cleaning the raw faster...please do so^^
And congratulation to Zettai Karen Children for their successful OVA debut!!! Hope this OVA will lead this series to second season of animation. GANBARE~~ Shiina-sensei!!
Oh yeah one more thing~ Our blog WILL NOT do any online reading purposes, and will keep on doing this kind of release by direct download only. Please forgive us to do so for keeping our group's survivor(after what happened to Onemanga etc).
There were two people is officially joining our scanlation works. One is the current member of our group, Lovelychildren_fan; and another one is Evilsquekhead, who is currently helping out the cleaning. As every readers online should had know what happened to famous online manga reading website such as Thus, chapter 226 isn't released this week because of the break. So I let these 2 members fully in charge of cleaning the raw, while I will do redraw, and I told them not to rush because I want them to gain more experience and might created some new cleaning methods. I want to say thank you to these 2 girls who put out a lot of effort, and I want to apologize for delaying this chapter 225 too long. Sorry and thank you for the supports for this Zettai Karen Children series.
Notice: Zettai Karen Children Chapter 226 raw will not be released in this week (Sunday Magazine released on 28 July 2010) due to the break for a week (Shiina-sensei was probably handling the signature events last week). ZKC Chapter 226 raw will be released next week on Sunday Magazine (4 Aug 2010) so if things went smoothly, we might able to release the scanlation faster...(I really wish we could release faster T.T) If anyone can give out suggestions on cleaning the raw faster...please do so^^
And congratulation to Zettai Karen Children for their successful OVA debut!!! Hope this OVA will lead this series to second season of animation. GANBARE~~ Shiina-sensei!!
Oh yeah one more thing~ Our blog WILL NOT do any online reading purposes, and will keep on doing this kind of release by direct download only. Please forgive us to do so for keeping our group's survivor(after what happened to Onemanga etc).
Zettai Karen Children 225 Chinese Version

羽毛正在接近幻影!?接下来将会发生什么事!?话说回来,被人家说好可爱的小薰还真的是太可爱了~ 不好,感觉好萌(笑)。 如果是皆本对她说很可爱的话,还真期待她那时的表情呢~~(嘻嘻) 别错过了少女的方针第三集!!
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Zettai Karen Children 225 English Version

Previously: The Children, Yuuri, Chisato, and others are spending a long weekend at a spa resort. But Feather has run away and is causing trouble. And now Feather and Yuuri's alternate personality, Mirage, have made contact...!
Feather is approaching Mirage!? What will gonna happen next!? Meanwhile Kaoru was so cute when someone said her is cute~. Damn I wish Minamoto said that to Kaoru, and I bet Kaoru's expression will be priceless XD Don't miss out The Maiden's Policy part 3!!
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Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Zettai Karen Children 224 Chinese Version

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Zettai Karen Children 224 English Version

Zettai Karen Children Chapter 224: The Maiden Policy (2)
Previously: The Children and their friends are at a spa resort for a long weekend and Kaoru has gotten worked up about acting more feminine. Meanwhile, Feather has escaped from her special case...
Minamoto and The Children brought along their friends to take a nice trip in the spa resort. Just as everyone beginning to have some fun, Feather broke out from the special case and planning on something else... What is Feather's intention!? Will this trip turn out to be the most unforgettable event!? Don't miss this chapter!!!
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Sunday, July 11, 2010
Zettai Karen Children 223 Chinese Version

绝对可怜CHILDREN以最新的展开冲过来了!! 现在羽毛和皆本以及超能少女组住在一起,不知羽毛将会引起怎么样的情况(麻烦)给他们呢?然后,薰她几乎将会做出人生里最大的改变!? 请别错过哦!
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Saturday, July 10, 2010
Zettai Karen Children 223 English Version

Previously: After the earthquake on Hacchou Island, the rehabilitation continues while The Children take a break. Fujiko brought Feather along and told Minamoto and the others that someone is causing a fluctuation in the future...
Zettai Karen Children came up with the latest chapter and a new arc story!! SUMMER TIME IS UP!!! Now with Feather staying with the Children team, what kind of moment(trouble) waiting for them? And it seems that Kaoru is going to have a great changes in her lifestyle...?
PS: I will be delay the Chinese Version because I had something to do and go out. So I will continue the work after I come back.
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Monday, July 5, 2010
Zettai Karen Children 222 Chinese Version

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Zettai Karen Children 222 English Version

Zettai Karen Children Chapter 222: My Wings (6)
Previously: Due to Feather's appearance in her new body, The Children somehow managed to endure the fury of the earthquake on Hacchou Island. But Feather turned into a bird and her true form is still wrapped in mystery...!!
Sorry for late submissions. And I want to correct myself that last chapter 221 wasn't the last chapter for "My Wings" Arc story. This 222 is the one. After the earthquake, The Children went to sleep after exhausted from the rescue operations. That while, Minamoto, Fujiko and Sakaki discussed about Feather who had turn into the bird. What will they discover about the truth of the Future and Feather!?
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Zettai Karen Children Old Chapters Done By JS-Scans
AS the title said, this will be the old chapters that were done by JS-Scans.
Chapter 10 - 20
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Chapter 21 - 31
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Chapter 32 - 44
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Chapter 45 - 55
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Chapter 56 - 66
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Chapter 67 - 77
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Chapter 78 - 88
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Chapter 89 - 99
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Chapter 100 - 110
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Chapter 111 - 121
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Chapter 122 - 132
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Chapter 133 - 143
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Chapter 144 - 154
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Chapter 155 - 167
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Chapter 168 - 174
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Chapter 175 - 181
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Chapter 182 - 193
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Zettai Karen Children 222 will be followed up after this post.
Chapter 10 - 20
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Chapter 21 - 31
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Chapter 32 - 44
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Chapter 45 - 55
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Chapter 56 - 66
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Chapter 67 - 77
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Chapter 78 - 88
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Chapter 89 - 99
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Chapter 100 - 110
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Chapter 111 - 121
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Chapter 122 - 132
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Chapter 133 - 143
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Chapter 144 - 154
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Chapter 155 - 167
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Chapter 168 - 174
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Chapter 175 - 181
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Chapter 182 - 193
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Zettai Karen Children 222 will be followed up after this post.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Zettai Karen Children 221 Chinese Version

这将会是【我的翅膀】最后的故事哦!! 羽毛不但救了皆本,还把她自己的脸变成了成人版薰的样子!! 这样的她,将会带给少女组怎么样的影响力!? 请别错过了精彩的过节,因为有个特大的惊喜等着你也说不定!?
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Zettai Karen Children 221 English Version

Previously: Before The Children could be swallowed up by the fury of the earthquake on Hacchou Island, Feather showed up after she finally managed to materialize. She saved Minamoto and transformed into the future Kaoru she saw in his dream!!
Here you go~ This is the last chapter for this arc story "MY WINGS"!! After Feather turned her face into Adult Version Kaoru, what impact will she bring to the Children team!? Check this chapter now for a huge surprise!!!
Mediafire | Megaupload
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Minor Changes
Made a few minor changes to the Blog layout.
* Added an RSS feed, per reader requests.
* Added a search Gadget
* Modified the overall look slightly.
* Adjusted the amount of posts per page, to 9.
* Added an RSS feed, per reader requests.
* Added a search Gadget
* Modified the overall look slightly.
* Adjusted the amount of posts per page, to 9.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
About Chapter 220 English In Mediafire
Some people tell me that the mediafire got the wrong file. And now I had correct it. Please check out the link one more time. Sorry for all the trouble given. LoL
We had got the raw of 221
This is Spikey2713. Call me Spikey if you wish~^^
Today after finish posting chapter 220, we have got the latest raw of 221.
We won't however put out the spoiler for now. And also I will need some rest first before start doing the cleaning.
And Zettai Karen Children will take one week break off after chapter 221. So next week we won't have the latest chapter.
For anyone who would like to request for the old chapters that were done by our group. You can give me a pm in MH or directly sent me a e-mail ( Please aware that I can still access the files in MH but it will only be until the end of this month June. So in case I can't finish the backup, please give the request as soon as possible.
And how do you like about the templates of our blog? I still no good in blog and this website was create by my leader Kioras. Feel free to mirror our blog link, and give us any ideas and suggestions.
That's all for today. I'm going to have a sleep now. Seeya later~~
Today after finish posting chapter 220, we have got the latest raw of 221.
We won't however put out the spoiler for now. And also I will need some rest first before start doing the cleaning.
And Zettai Karen Children will take one week break off after chapter 221. So next week we won't have the latest chapter.
For anyone who would like to request for the old chapters that were done by our group. You can give me a pm in MH or directly sent me a e-mail ( Please aware that I can still access the files in MH but it will only be until the end of this month June. So in case I can't finish the backup, please give the request as soon as possible.
And how do you like about the templates of our blog? I still no good in blog and this website was create by my leader Kioras. Feel free to mirror our blog link, and give us any ideas and suggestions.
That's all for today. I'm going to have a sleep now. Seeya later~~
Zettai Karen Children 220 Chinese Version

Mediafire | Megaupload
Zettai Karen Children 220 English Version

Previously: The Children headed to Hacchou Island on a rescue operation for the earthquake that occurred there, but Minamoto was swallowed up by the power of the disaster and the decision to abandon him is bearing down on them. At the same time, something unusual has happened with Feather who is underground at B.A.B.E.L.!
Feather is born!! Ally or enemy!? Will the mystery of her revealed!? And will Minamoto be saved from this tragedy? Don't miss it!!
Mediafire Megaupload
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